Return and Exchange

  • For purchases made through our online site, our customers have the right to withdraw within 14 days within the framework of the rules specified in the Consumer Law. You can send your return or exchange requests to us via .
  • Products made by special order or changed (products whose dimensions have been changed upon request, products with special inscriptions written on them, etc.) cannot be refunded.
  • There are no returns or exchanges on discounted products sold during discount campaigns.
  • The product to be returned must be completely undamaged and unused. Products that are scratched, damaged or physically altered in any way cannot be returned.
  • After the product to be returned reaches us, it is examined by our product experts and then the return process is initiated.
  • In case of return requests, the packaging, certificate and invoice must be sent along with the product.
  • The product to be returned must comply with the "Right of Withdrawal" in Article 9 of the Distance Selling Agreement and the "Products for which the Right of Withdrawal cannot be Exercised" in Article 15.
  • In case of return requests, shipping costs belong to the Buyer.